Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Middle name poll results

Placenta brain kicking in again...I just remembered I neglected to post the results of the middle name poll. Picking the middle name was as quick and natural as picking the first name for us...it just fit. We decided on Noah Christian - it was a random choice and the only one P happened to like (which made it easier, since I liked them all ;-)

We had our third (2D) ultrasound at our OB appointment last week to check up on the potential placenta previa and found out the results of some other prenatal tests. Baby Noah was having a blast during this ultrasound - not as active as during our 3D one, but very fun nonetheless. For part of it, he was actually looking right at us :-) He also was playing with his toes ~ so adorable! We are so completely in love with him already, and it grows by the minute!!

Baby Noah now weighs 2 and a half pounds and is in the 50th percentile size wise. We also found out the good news that the placenta previa no longer exists. As for other test results - my gestational diabetes test came back negative, and my hemoglobin was low...so all in all, with the exception of slight anemia, a great appointment :-)

So, until our next posting...
Hope everyone has a great Fourth of July!!


Abby said...

Glad to hear all is progressing well...

We guessed wrong on the middle name, so that makes us 1 for 2! :) Christian was our second guess, so we were at least close! So cool knowing his full name now. Those polls were so fun. :)

Happy 4th to all of you!

P&J said...

Actually, I was rooting for Jacob initially, but it's Neal's middle name ;-)

Thanks for your comments, we have fun reading them!!