Friday, November 23, 2007

Some photos from our quasi photo shoot for Noah's 2 month milestone...(our 1 month photos mysteriously disappeared from our camera...) Noah did his best to hold up the sign ;-)

At two months, your baby still keeps you guessing, but his sleeping and eating habits are becoming a bit more predictable. Fussing and crying tend to increase later in the day. Carrying your baby in a front pack, even when he's not fussing, can reduce the amount of crying overall.

Now's the time to start watching your baby's eyes to see what their real color will be. Your baby may also be noticeably chubbier by 2 months, and he may even have a double chin and thigh folds.

You may also notice that your baby:

* Coos, especially when you talk to him. He likes to get into a conversation.
* Smiles more broadly and more often every day.
* Quiets down more with Mom and Dad than with strangers.
* Studies you and everyone else with intense interest, especially before and after feedings.
* Controls his head a little better, as long as you hold him still.
* Likes being held up at your shoulder or sitting with his underarms supported.
* Holds his head and pushes his arms up when he's on his tummy. Be sure he gets plenty of time on his tummy when he's awake to keep his head round and his shoulders strong.
* Accidentally rolls over from tummy to back.
* Has straightened out his posture and holds his hands open much of the time.
* Catches and holds his hands, by accident and by feeling for them.


The days just keep flying by, it's amazing how our lives have changed...and how our world solely revolves around taking care of our sweet baby. We have so little time for anything else (thus the lack of updates lately :-)...

~ We are still trying to figure out and resolve Noah's tummy troubles...our poor little guy is obviously in pain :-( We had a barium xray done this week to rule out some other potential causes, and during the xray it was confirmed that he does indeed have reflux. We are also setting up an appointment with a pediatric GI specialist in Atlanta for next month.

~ Noah is up to 13 lbs 7 ounces already (and is already wearing 3-6 months clothing :-)

~ Gma D was here this past week to help out and spend some more time with her grandson :-) P and I are so thankful for all of her help, especially with Noah not feeling so good right now.

~ P's graduation and the end of his clinical rotations is only two weeks away! We are relieved that it is coming up so soon :-) If all goes well, he will be graduating December 7th and then will be studying like crazy to pass his boards. We still haven't decided where we will be relocating, but are thankful to have so many options.

~ Noah continues to amaze us everyday. He is really starting to be much more interactive and playful...lots of cooing and talking and smiles. He also imitates us, and we were surprised when he even imitated a clucking noise that we use to call G-Pup. Noah's other new fascination is with mirrors or anything he can see his reflection in and lights. So fun to see his reactions :-)

We also just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of the wonderful support! We love hearing from everyone and hope to have more time to be in touch soon :-)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I came back from a little mommy time (aka - a shower) to find this...

Awwww :-) My two guys are too cute!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving feast as much as Noah did :-)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

You know you're sleep deprived when...

~ You notice your husband shushing and rocking his pillow in the middle of the night. (note: baby was actually crying, but mommy was holding him)

~ You wake up that same night and find yourself trying to comfort your own 'fussy' pillow. (note: baby was not even crying)

~ You continually walk out of the house with only your slippers on...and even went so far as the doctor's office before realizing you weren't wearing shoes (at which point it was too late to change...)

~ You find yourself looking for your glasses, only to have your husband tell you that you are actually wearing them.

~ You start having dreams about sleeping

~ Your idea of a romantic date with your husband is taking a nap together, sans baby

Thursday, November 1, 2007

This past week has been busy. We brought Noah into our pediatrician since his colic has been getting progressively worse, and found out that Noah most likely has reflux. We also found out that Noah now weighs 11 lbs, 6 ounces and he's almost in the 90th percentile! He really is growing up fast (I guess my milk has super growth powers ;-) We also were able to capture his smile this week finally :-) His first true social smile made both P and I a bit teary-eyed ;-)

Noah also met his grandparents and his Great Grandma for the first time :-) Photos from this past week...

Me and Grandma the Great

Chillin' with Grandpa

Cuddling with Grandma