Friday, November 23, 2007

At two months, your baby still keeps you guessing, but his sleeping and eating habits are becoming a bit more predictable. Fussing and crying tend to increase later in the day. Carrying your baby in a front pack, even when he's not fussing, can reduce the amount of crying overall.

Now's the time to start watching your baby's eyes to see what their real color will be. Your baby may also be noticeably chubbier by 2 months, and he may even have a double chin and thigh folds.

You may also notice that your baby:

* Coos, especially when you talk to him. He likes to get into a conversation.
* Smiles more broadly and more often every day.
* Quiets down more with Mom and Dad than with strangers.
* Studies you and everyone else with intense interest, especially before and after feedings.
* Controls his head a little better, as long as you hold him still.
* Likes being held up at your shoulder or sitting with his underarms supported.
* Holds his head and pushes his arms up when he's on his tummy. Be sure he gets plenty of time on his tummy when he's awake to keep his head round and his shoulders strong.
* Accidentally rolls over from tummy to back.
* Has straightened out his posture and holds his hands open much of the time.
* Catches and holds his hands, by accident and by feeling for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got quite a few minutes on tape of Noah smiling and cooing and moving and moving and moving ;-}...and yes he does have the arm & thigh folds!