Friday, December 21, 2007

Noah's first hotel visit

The only highlight of our Atlanta trip...Noah's first hotel visit (which happened to be a four star hotel won by a lucky bid on priceline :-) As you can see, Noah took full advantage of the hotel's luxury accommodations and amenities and made the non-family friendly hotel a bit more baby friendly...

The hotel shuttle service...I hope daddy and mommy buy me one of those for my first car...

Preparing for my bath in the fancy schmancy tub with one of my servants...

*sigh* This bath tub will just have to do (at least, I can fit my new travel bath floaty in it...)

Oops, had a bit of an accident (it happens to the best of us)

Ahhh...1000 thread count sheets are the life...

With a few minor additions, the mini bar is fit for the hard to please Noah (Note: he graciously let mommy store her deli turkey on the top shelf)

'Double fisting it' with help from the daddy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL...that is so cute...glad to hear Noah liked his first hotel visit even if he didn't care for the car ride there. Wished the visit would have been more productive with information.