Thursday, April 12, 2007

Five Senses in the Womb

It wasn't until we became pregnant that absolutely everything baby became completely fascinating to us (it's a cliche - but isn't it funny how your world literally changes in an instant!) I don't think I have done this much research except in my career, and even then, it's a close tie :-)

One article, "Babies remember womb music", talks about a study done that found 'babies can remember sounds they heard in the womb more than a year after birth'. Amazing!! And the article mentions a woman who used to play jazz while pregnant...and then found out that when the baby was being fussy, Ella Fitzgerald would calm her.

Being the 'type A' person that I am, this article made me go on a Baby Einstein downloading frenzy...our music collection now includes 'Baby Mozart', 'Baby Bach', 'Baby Vivaldi', 'Baby Beethoven', and for Daddy's listening pleasure, 'Beatles Lullaby', among others. Even though the Baby Einstein series is a marketing gimmick aimed at gullible parents, just because it is not technically proven to work doesn't stop me from doing everything under the sun that could potentially help Lil Bean's development :-)

And for our overzealous Baby O is another interesting article on when our baby will be able to taste, smell, hear, feel and see in the womb.

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