Friday, April 27, 2007

It's a.................

It's official...Lil' Bean is a BOY!! We had our 'big' ultrasound on Thursday and it truly felt like Christmas all over again. The ultrasound tech said our little guy is quite active and not at all shy :) Daddy noticed Bean waving his arms and rocking back and completely amazing.

We found out that our little one is as healthy as can be at this point, and is right in the middle of where he should be growth and size wise. There is a possible chance of placenta previa (we will have another ultrasound in 2 months), but most likely, it will move and be normal. We are so thankful he is doing so well.

And below, Bean's first debut as a Lil Dude...

(the photos had to be scanned this time, the ultrasound machine was older and we couldn't get a CD :( - the photos are a bit harder to see, but we hope you enjoy!)