Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I apologize in advance for the grammar and spelling mistakes - the sleep deprivation has reached a whole new level :-) Some random thoughts and updates from this past week:

~Goliath is getting used to Noah and is much better with him. He doesn't pace or give us those 'why did you bring him home??' looks when Noah cries or makes his sweet little newborn noises and squeaks. Lately, when we put Noah in his papasan swing, we have noticed G-pup will lay down right next to him. And if we're not in the room when Noah cries, Goliath will go over and 'check' on him and then give us this look like 'can't you see he's crying? what are you going to do about it?' ;-)

~P has earned the nickname OPP (Over Protective Papa) :-) Joking aside, though, P is an absolutely wonderful daddy and both Noah and I are blessed to have him. It is amazing how, from the first few days in the hospital, P could calm him down when no one else could. Just this past week, we have noticed how Noah always 'follows' P's voice. When P talks to him, or even just enters/leaves a room, Noah does his best to focus and find where his daddy is. Just like in utero, Noah is responsive to that 'deep, Canadian' voice ;-)

~Noah had his first 'social' smile and Grandma claimed he 'chuckled' at her :-)
He also imitated Mommy sticking out her tongue! Pretty amazing. Each day seems to bring something new, it's fun to watch his development. We just hope we are able to capture all of these little moments, he is already growing so fast!

~We all think Noah is quite the strong little guy! I think it was all of his work-outs in the womb (or perhaps he is just living up to this shirt...). Right after he was born, the nurses commented on how much he kicked, and even Grandma noticed how strong his kicks can be when trying to change his diaper :-)

More photos to follow soon...hope everyone is doing well! We can't wait for everyone to meet our little guy!


Anonymous said...

What do you mean 'claimed'...he did chuckle when I told him that joke! ;-O Really miss you guys...especially the little guy and all of his little noises, grunts, & those other loud noises-you know which ones!! Sorry... don't miss the 'every two hours awake' tho.

Abby said...

It's so sweet how "big brother" Goliath is responding to Noah! :)

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna guess some of those "noises" were from gma d!!
Sure.. blame the lil guy... :-)

Anonymous said...

No...gma d did not make any of those "noises"...all of the credit goes to Noah and I have lots of witnesses too!! LOL