Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lil' Bean's first book

This past weekend, our little one experienced his first book being read to him - at least, his first in the womb. Daddy read Dr. Seuss' ABC book (Dr. Seuss is P's favorite children's series) and we could tell Bean liked it by the taps (or maybe he just likes Daddy's deep voice ;-) And if Bean is anything like Mom, he will have accumulated and read a bjillion books in his lifetime...so we are just starting him off early :-) And hopefully after we move to a bigger house, we can build him a mini library in the nursery, heh.


Anonymous said...

hate to break it to ya.. but bean likes green eggs and ham!! lol
FA Karen :-)

P&J said...

Lol! Looks like 'bean' will have to get that book next ;-)