Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Week 23: Dancing Baby Alert

At this point, you’ve pretty much adjusted to the fact you’ve got a moving little gymnast inside of you, but now they’re going to kick up the party a notch because they can not only hear but react to sounds from the outside world. Sounds from your alarm clock, a thunder roll, or that darned car honking at you across the intersection can actually jar their little ears enough to elicit a kick or violent bout of squirming. Their little pink taste buds are still growing and their bones are continuing to ossify (harden). Your baby's tiny veins are visible through their translucent yet wrinkly skin. (Think of it this way: they’ve been swimming in the equivalent of a long hot bath or in his own little personal jacuzzi, as Big D calls it for the past 23 weeks, so you can’t blame them for being a little prune-like.)

The end of this week is an important milestone: Your baby would have a good chance of survival if born now--about 85 percent if given the right care. amazing! His body is well proportioned, although lacking in body fat, and the blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. Your baby's daily workout routine includes moving the muscles in the fingers, toes, arms, and legs regularly. As a result, you may feel more forceful movements. Your baby still has room to move around so you're probably feeling kicks, jabs, flips and flops. You may even see your abdomen move. how cool to see my stomach move! P has felt quite a few kicks too now :-)

I have also started showing this week! All of a sudden, I look pregnant instead of just having some extra belly weight :-)


Abby said...

I'm sure you look adorable preggers (as Wyatt says), J! You should post pictures! :)

Oh, and watch your have a little something special on it's way--it should arrive today or tomorrow! :)

Hope you guys had a great holiday weekend!

Abby said...

Hey guys!

You are so welcome for the care package. I love sending them! Hope the treats made it in one piece. And of course, we couldn't send anything without including something for our favorite German Shepherd! :) Wyatt picked out the bone and I picked out the cookies. Did you know that there is actually a bone called the "Goliath"...but, as you can imagine, it's super huge!

As far as the gift tags--thanks for the compliment! There are so many cool papers, stickers, etc. out there that are so fun to play with. It's great working for my new employer now and getting a discount on all that great stuff! :)

Have a great weekend!

DJD said...

Yup, jacuzzi is my saying!