Sunday, August 12, 2007

33 Weeks

N-Day is approaching rapidly - 46 days to go!!!

A few updates. It has been incredibly hot here (August in the south :-)...this week we have even had heat warnings, a step up from a heat advisory, with the heat index from 110-120 degrees. Even our AC doesn't seem to be working effectively, so we are doing our best to stay cool.

This past weekend, we toured the hospital where we'll be's pretty nice (well, as much as one can think hospitals are nice :-), although P has seen more spacious and comforable rooms - more 'hotel like' rooms - during his OB rotations :-) We wish we were in an area that had more choices - we would prefer a birthing center type environment or just one that wasn't so stark. We interviewed and picked out a pediatrician too - one more thing crossed off our big 'to do' list. And, we've been gradually accumulating (and receiving, thanks to everyone!) more baby loot. We had no idea how much baby stuff we would be needing, there is so much! P and I also have been watching all sorts of baby care DVD's when P has time(since we're not sure if P's schedule will let us take any classes) and it feels like I have read a million baby books.

Noah has been moving around quite a bit still - P can usually tell when Noah decides to play 'stretch the uterus' or participate in Karate 101 because I either start laughing or wincing because he found a fun nerve to kick :-) I finally got my hair cut this week (amazing how long and crazy thick it has become since the beginning of pregnancy) and the hairstylist pointed out that she could see Noah moving while she was washing my hair :-)

With P's graduation also looming near, we have been updating P's resume and hitting the job boards in the hopes of finding a job anywhere in MN. Some of the websites are specifically dedicated to CRNA's (with enticing names such as 'gaswork' or 'gasjobs' ;-) but we have found the highest amount of jobs by using job search engines - they are thorough and search a ton of corporate and job websites on a daily basis. We've also sent his resume off to a bunch of recruiters. We hope that with all of our efforts, something will turn up in MN, even if P has to settle on a few things (type of experience, benefits, salary, etc.) or if it ends up being in an area other than the cities. For some reason, there is a greater demand for anesthetists in the Southeast - P has a number of 'standing' offers down here and we had hoped it would be similar in MN :-) Most of his class have accepted positions already, so we hope we are able to do the same very soon!!

This week's update...

33 Weeks

For all the weight and bulk you're lugging around these days, you'd think your little champ should weigh much more than a 4 and a half lbs and measly 17 inches in height, but nope, that's about the average size for a baby in its thirty-third week. In terms of appearances, they're getting cuter and pudgier every minute as they pile on the baby fat for those adorable little wrist rolls and chubby toes. And as we're sure you've already noticed they're getting stronger with every passing day. Nowadays, it's possible to observe a well-placed kick just by watching your belly.

Back in the second trimester, and even in the very beginning of the third, your baby had so much room in your womb that she could belly dance, somersault, kick box, and do a full aerobic step class (all before lunch); in fact, you felt so much movement you might have wondered whether you were gestating a baby or a litter. But your baby's come a long way, baby, and as he has grown bigger, his personal gym has grown smaller. There's room for movement, certainly, but not the kind of punches you're used to. Instead, you'll feel more twists and wiggles, stretches and turns.

And it's not just less vigorous movements that you'll be feeling now that you're in your third trimester, but also less frequent movement. Fetuses, like newborns, have interludes of deep sleep (and it's too bad they don't occur when you're sleeping. In fact, your baby is more likely to be up and about when you're trying to catch some winks and will be lulled to sleep when you're active).

Edited to change a few things: I published instead of saving it, and our Internet just crashed - perfect timing :-)


Abby said...

N-Day...I like that! :) Six weeks and he'll be here--wow.

We're crossing our fingers that P will find a job here in the Cities--you know how much we'd love to have you guys back!

Anonymous said...

Abby was thinking that when her days comes some time in the future she would want to do a water birth. She saw a thing about it on TV and it looked kinda cool. They said it was supposed to be less painful, among other things. In your own terminology, it'd be like going from a "personal jacuzzi" to a swimming pool. That's just Abby though.

Abby said...

That is so not the situation. Wyatt is the one who seems to think that a water birth is just the best thing ever and keeps telling me that's the way I should do it someday. I'm not a fan. Not at all.

P&J said...

You two are too funny! :-) We enjoy reading your comments!

Anonymous said...

It would great to have at least one other sibling back in MN. It was good talking to you on the phone the other night...even though you were getting "drowned" out by the others in the car :). Can't believe I'll be an uncle in 6 weeks....