Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fun facts about this month's development

Interesting facts (for our most devoted baby fans ;-) from a few different baby sources...

This month:

- Your baby's eyes are opening and closing now, blinking and learning to focus, since the pupils are able to respond to light filtering in.

- The brain and nervous system are now fully developed.

- Your baby's fingernails extend to the end of the fingertips, but the toenails will need a few more weeks yet.

- The sucking reflex becomes established at this stage and your baby is now repeatedly sucking on their thumbs and fingers.

- Your baby's movements will be strong but are probably slower than before because the space inside the uterus is more cramped. ( It doesn't appear that Noah has traded in his kickboxing and Tango lessons just yet...;-)

- Research shows that baby's brain activity and heart rate changes in response to sounds.

- Your baby is now able to distinguish between some speech sounds, and recognizes music that is played repeatedly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...countdown is at 49 days...time is flying by but I bet it also seems like time is dragging on for you... sorry not trying to stress you out... according to the development facts now would make for some more interesting pictures...the other ones are "cute" too