Monday, August 27, 2007

Celebrating a decade together...

Today marks our 10th year 'couple' anniversary...amazing to think that an entire decade has passed since the day we decided to be together. I am so blessed and thankful to have met such a wonderful life partner, spouse, and soon to be father of our first little miracle. How fitting, too, that Baby Noah's due date is also on the 27th, a day that we have celebrated for so long :-) Here's to many more decades together...

Although we planned to spend our anniversary together, P had to leave today for a sudden shift from his home rotation to one that is 4 hours away. We found out late last week that another student was bumping him from his current rotation, and his coordinator decided to shift P to a different rotation. It might just be my late stage in pregnancy, but this time having P only home for a day and a half on the weekends is torture. We are really hoping that the rotation following this one will remain at home, because I think we may have a tiny visitor coming... :-)


Abby said...

Happy 10 years!!! Has it really been that long already? :) Then again, Wyatt and I have been together almost 4 1/2 years now...scary how fast time goes by!

Sorry to hear that you had such a rough week, J. Having a migraine and not being able to take anything for it must have been torture!

Here's hoping P won't have to be away much longer...

I also hear that the 22nd is a great day to be born! Wyatt and I would gladly welcome Noah into the "22nd club"...ha ha. Can't believe it's down to 30 days tomorrow--the final countdown is on! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey sis & bro-in-law!

Sorry to hear about the migraines...its bad enough to have them, but worse when you can't take anything for them.

Have any more pics to share? An aunt of ours is wanting some more pics of you (Jill). Sorry Peter...

Hope all is well! Hopefully Peter's coordinator will be more understanding and schedule him closer to home from now until Noah arrives....

Your big bro

Anonymous said...

Hi FN and N,
not to scare you or anything but.. i hope you are ready... ryan was ten days earlier than his due date.. and joey... THREE WEEKS early! at any rate.. he will get here on HIS time frame... i mean after all.. all you have to do is get ready... he has all the work of being born! xxxxxxoooooooo
FA Karen :-)

P&J said...

Thanks everyone for the comments :)

A~ That would be great if he would come on the 22nd :) I am sure I will be ready for him too!

K~ Which fantabulous aunt wants photos? I will post some soon hopefully :)

FA~ Wow, even Ryan was that early?? Amazing, since first ones are usually late :) I actually do hope Noah comes a bit early :)